Yes we scan.

Welcome to ScanRG

We offer patented scanner technology for inline and offline quality control of baked goods, food or technical parts. We combine 3D, color measurement in RGB and NIR and data processing in just one device. Our company is based in Aachen, where our devices are developed and manufactured.

As every task is individual, we attach great importance to tests and evaluations in advance so that we can adapt the scanner software in particular to our customers' requirements.

Our customers include well-known companies from the food sector, industry and research institutes.

You too can save time and money by using our unique technology. You are welcome to send us samples or make an appointment for an on-site visit with appropriate testing. We would also be happy to present the possibilities to you in a team meeting.

We also work together with sales partners to support foreign markets. You can find their contact details on our contact page.

3D Scan multispektral Scanrg Croissant Parameter

Multispectral 3D scanner technology for inline and offline quality control of food, components and other products

3D scanning and color measurement in one device saves time and money.

Brot, Brötchen, Croissants, Kekse, Pralinen, Pizza, Schokoriegel, Torten

Bread, rolls, croissants, cookies,
chocolates, pizza, chocolate bars, cakes

Fleisch, Fisch, Geflügel, Käse, Fleischersatzprodukte

Meat, fish, poultry, cheese,
meat substitutes

Leiterplatten, Kunststoffteile, metallische Bauteile, Keramikbauteile

Printed circuit boards, plastic parts, metallic components,
ceramic components


Logo Original Wagner Pizza Qualitätskontrolle scanrg
Logo Hochschule Niederrhein


Referenz Wagner Pizza

Wagner Pizza uses BAKEMETER for quality control of pizza bases

The R&D department at Wagner Pizza GmbH in Nonnweiler, Saarland, recently started using our BAKEMETER for offline quality control of pizza bases.
Rückblick Messe südback 2024

Quality control is gaining in importance – Südback 2024

Many thanks to all visitors to Südback, with whom we had interesting discussions at our stand.
News Messe südback 2024

Visit us at the südback in Stuttgart

Visit our stand 6D22 at the südback in Stuttgart.

Contact us

Make an appointment to see our products or send us samples for testing. We are also happy to come to your premises with our mobile scanner to carry out tests on your products.